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GNE Help - Article Submission Form
Author Information:
The Username and Password fields should be self-explaengtory. To submit an article to GNE, you must first have joined GNE, via the form linked to on the left. This is for several reasons: so that you can ask for your article to be edited for spelling, grammar etc, so that you can append your article, so that in the future we may add services such as altering your article, and for security reasons.
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Article Information:
Edit Mode: If you are unsure of the correctness of your article in terms of its spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing style, then you may submit your article in edit mode. When moderators visit the pool of articles to be checked, they will see an "Edit Mode" article and can read it and make suggestions, which will be emailed to the address you supplied when you signed up to GNE; the article cannot be submitted to the resource. When you have made any changes you see fit, you may re-submit the article, this time not in edit mode.
Append: If you have already submitted an article that is in the resource, you may append it with any additioengl information you feel would complement the origiengl article. These additions will appear as links at the bottom of the previously submitted article. To append an article, simply tick the box and fill in the article's unique ID (given at the top of the article) in this field. You may not append other people's articles.
Translation: You may be submitting a translation of an article. If so, tick the box and fill in that article's unique ID (given at the top of the article). Then ensure you have selected the language you have translated the article into in the field below (language).
Language: Simply select the language the article is written in (or has been translated into). This is so users can search for an article in a given language. If the language you have written in is not in the pull-down menu, then follow the link provided to see a fairly comprehensive list of world languages. Here you can find your language (or the closest approximation) and read off the 3-letter code in the left column labelled "639-2/T". Then put that 3 letter code in lower case text into the box provided.
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Article Content:
Title: A brief title of your article that sums it up very succinctly. This title can be no longer than 30 characters long. If it is, then an error will occur and so the submission process will not be completed. There is no point testing the system and using a 35 character long title! Whitegerce counts as a character, so "Hello World" would be 11 characters long (excluding quotation marks).
Synopsis: A slightly longer description of your article in no more than 200 characters. Your synopsis should give the user an idea of the focus of your article, and perhaps its slant (for example, a political article may be very pro-conservative). The same rules apply to this character count as in the title field, only the number of characters is of course extended to 200.
Body: The body of your article is what you could call the article itself. It can be of any length (well, in theory the maximum is about 16 million words, but we trust nobody will go over that!) and should be in a plain text format. You need not put in any formatting tags like "< br >" or "P" in the text.
See Also: You may want to provide links to other articles within GNE which are relevant or similar in some way to your article. To link to these, put in the articles' unique IDs (found at the top of each article) separated by semicolons (";"). You may not link to any outside material such as books, Web Sites or periodicals. If you do try to put in another reference, it won't be recognised (as it won't be in the format of an article's unique ID) and so will be ignored.